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Model and theory

Download this applet and install it on your computer.


With this applet you can play sounds. In the applet (Signal generator) you can see that you can change the frequency ant the amplitude of the sound.

1. Make the following types of sounds and describe what you hear in the Forum like high, low, strong, weak.
• frequence: 125 amplitude : 10000
• frequence: 500 amplitude : 10000
• frequence: 2000 amplitude : 10000
• frequence: 8000 amplitude : 10000

Would you now be able to say what frequence means? Write it down in the Forum.

2. Now make the following types of sounds and describe what you hear in the Forum, like high, low, strong, weak.
• frequence: 250 amplitude: 10000
• frequence: 250 amplitude: 20000
• frequence: 250 amplitude: 30000

• Would you be able to say what amplitude means? Write this also down in the Forum.

Now download this applet and install it on your computer.


As you might have read already ,sounds are vibrations. The vibrations of sound can be made visible with the applet "musical turner". The one you just downloaded on your computer

3. Redo number 1 and 2 , but now have a close look at the vibrations that are made visible in the applet.

• Would you be able tot tell what frequence and amplitude means when you see vibrations of sound?

Make a clear story about what you think are frequence and amplitude.You have to explain it to your fellow classmates. Write it down in the Forum.




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