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Circuit A
point 1
point 2
Voltage (V)
Current (I)


Circuit A
point 1
point 2
point 3
Voltage (V)
Current (I)

Circuit A
point 1
point 2
point 3
point 4
Voltage (V)
Current (I)

Up here you see three pictures of electric circuits. The circuits have been lettered A, B and C. Among them you see three tables with in it the voltage and the current. The table corresponds with the same lettering as the circuits. Devise what number has to be filled in the blank compartments of the table.

Open the Forum
• Write down what numbers had to be filled in the blank compartments.Explain why you have chosen that number.
• Compare your filled in numbers with the numbers of your partner and comment upon each other’s explanations.
• Devise an amount of questions on which you think you’ll need to fill in the right numbers in the table.
• Open the box Experience
• Try to answer the questions with the support of the new information.
• Open the Forum
• Answer the questions and discuss the answers with your partner.

• Chose the right numbers and discuss the answers with your partner.




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